Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival

Thames Royal Media joined forces with Taylord Marketing & Management to raise over $15,000 for Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival (OSF) in 2022.

Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival has been in residence at Southeastern Oklahoma State University since 1979. The festival consists of one Shakespeare production, one musical theatre production, and a company cabaret in addition to educational theatre productions for young adults and children. In addition the summer festival, OSF also hosts the Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival Academy for the Performing Arts which produces year-round educational courses and children’s productions

Thames Royal and Taylord led a 12-week organic social media campaign, using OSF’s logo illustration of William Shakespeare as a goal marker. Through our “Fill Will” campaign, we were able to raise $18,151 dollars for Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival. We exceeded our goal so much that Mary had to draw a hat for Will to wear!



The Tempest | Organic Social Media Campaign


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