
Thames Royal Media created content and managed StageHandCraft’s social media from November of 2021 to December of 2022.

StageHandCraft was formed during the Broadway shutdown brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Out of work stagehands took to their home workshops to create beautiful handcrafted items as a way to make a little income while waiting to return to work. After two successful years in business, StageHandCraft went on hiatus at the end of 2022 for one simple reason: Broadway was back. Once the stagehands were back at work, they lacked the time necessary to continue making inventory to sell.

StageHandCraft’s Makers were dispersed throughout the United States (primarily in New York), meaning that there was not a way for Thames Royal to take photos and create content with the crafts themselves. We had to get creative - each of the photos that you see in this portfolio is a composite photo - or, to use the colloquial term, it has been “Photoshopped.” This method allowed Thames Royal to continue creating original content without causing a headache for the client.



StageHandCraft was a Thames Royal client when our packages were determined by number of posts. The following analytics were achieved using only organic social media techniques and by posting 3-4 times per week. Although StageHandCraft’s chosen package did not originally include short form video like Instagram Reels, we began to experiment with it over time. No paid social media ads were utilized.

StageHandCraft’s social media following grew by 32%. Their impressions grew by 66%.


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